
May 21, 2024

Bertschi announces campus construction plans

Bertschi has always created an educational experience that inspires wonder–for academic learning, for play, for building friendships, and for the world beyond our campus.

The upcoming campus construction plans center around building a new Schoolhouse building to provide students and teachers with larger, more flexible classrooms in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade, as well as a new Spanish classroom, faculty/staff lounge, and main office and health room.

The new building will also significantly lessen the environmental impact of Bertschi's campus overall with improved mechanical systems and new solar panels. Other features of this project include preparing the first floor of the Annex as a home for a second pre-K classroom, updating some of the outdoor play spaces, and expanding universal accessibility for the 10th Ave E main entrance and across campus.

Learn more>>

February 06, 2024

Bertschi seeks aspiring Black Educators for fellowship

Bertschi School offers a full-time teaching associate job and up to $10,000 each year toward tuition for aspiring Black educators.

As student teaching becomes part of the candidate’s program, Bertschi will work with the accrediting college to support student teaching at Bertschi School. The fellow will work with two classrooms and teachers at one grade level (1st-5th grade). Other opportunities include observations of other classrooms and mentoring and support throughout the program.

We are actively seeking support from the community to help underwrite this program. If you are interested in supporting this fellowship through a donation, please contact Director of Institutional Advancement, Rose Bellini.

Want to Learn More?

We host periodic panels and information sessions in collaboration with other independent schools in the area. Feel free to contact Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Amina Loftin, to learn more.

April 28, 2023

Dispatches from SXSW EDU with Joey Tanaka and Beth Williams

This March, Bertschi faculty Joey Tanaka (digital learning specialist) and Beth Williams (second grade teacher) attended the SXSW EDU Conference & Festival in Austin, TX. Joey and Beth had packed days of speakers, roundtables, and workshops covering eye opening, challenging, and exciting topics from Reimagining Culturally Responsive Development to The Promises & Perils of Artificial Intelligence, and a moving discussion with National Teacher of the Year award winners.

We asked Joey and Beth to share what they learned, what’s exciting, and what they hope to bring back to Bertschi from the conference.

Can you talk a little bit about the discussions you had with the other participants in the AI group? What stands out?

Joey: Two absolutely riveting sessions on AI, including one titled Teaching & Learning in the Age of AI by the CEO of, Cameron Wilson and Terah Lyons of the Stanford Institute for Human Centered AI, kicked off by showing just what GPT3.5 (which has now evolved to 4.0) can do, including lessons plans on a subject focused on a specific state standard. Then creating activities to learn this for a class and explaining a key concept in simpler terms. Finally, translating all of this into Spanish. Other examples included summarizing a lengthy article or even a youtube video, into 10 key points, with 3 quotes and 1 take away - all in seconds.

The second session was led by the Stanford, Leticia Britos Cavagnaro and Arlam Mogos and hands down, was the most hands on, insightful session of the entire conference. In true Stanford fashion, we jumped right into how bias can creep into the large datasets in AI by working through a simulation where a sudden teacher shortage required the US to “draft teachers,” much like we draft soldiers during war. What began as a simple simulation soon opened up the complexities of designing rules for AI that determine what makes a “good teacher” and how nuanced and complex the process can be.

Any tangibles from the conference you'll be bringing (or hope to bring) to Bertschi in the near future?

Beth: I was introduced to an exciting app that allows you to draw a basic game (like a maze) and when you input it into the app, it becomes animated and you can play it. While there are some challenges with this particular app, it has some exciting possibilities. I also met with a designer that created a platform that allows students at different schools to share their projects with each other. Schools that may not have the funding to similar technology can also receive money through this platform-very crowdsourcing. It found it interesting because it gives students an opportunity to see something creative or innovative that someone their age did and they can be inspired to do the same. As many schools do not have the funding to try out new technology, this platform is interesting in that it rewards schools for sharing their ideas and in the same process, gives a percentage to schools who need funding to try those ideas. I'm curious to see where it goes.

It seems like advances in technology move faster than ever before. How do you approach these technologies and teaching about the digital world with your students, knowing that the next thing is just around the corner?

Beth: There is always a curiosity about what the next app or machine can do, whether it is saving time, money, or giving students personalized instruction. There is a lot of thought that goes into bringing in technology for student use between trying it out to see how young people are able to use it (convenience or ease of use) or wondering if it is just to be used for fun or if it holds promise of solving a problem that isn't solved another way. There is also a balance to not use tech and have kids ignite their curiosity with paper and cardboard; and feel the same sense of accomplishment there as they do when completing a level of a math game online. I do appreciate when tech companies are able to start thinking about a variety of learners and make adjustments to their apps to allow for more students to either feel seen within those programs or feel successful.

Final thoughts?

Beth: Technology is helping lead education these days and finding ways for every type of learner to succeed and challenge themselves. The trends show that even SEL is finding its way into apps and curriculum. A focus on understanding what gets people motivated and how to keep them motivated can be really helpful within any educational premise.

Interested in experiencing a part of SXSW EDU for yourself? The keynote and featured sessions are available to watch on YouTube.

February 27, 2023

New Green Wall Installed in Living Building Science Wing

When the Bertschi School Living Science Building was completed in February 2011, one of the primary features was a 165 square foot vertical green wall whose primary use was to treat gray water. The wall model was a beta, and served educational and environmental purposes. However, over the years it ran its course and newer designs for green walls became available.

In spring 2019, the fifth grade class raised funds to help the school renew the wall as well as honor retiring founding science teacher, Julie Blystad. After a delay due to the pandemic, we were thrilled to engage with some parent volunteers whose expertise led us to hire Variance Design to redesign, fabricate, install, and plant the living wall and integrate a new aquatic element.

Last week, the new green wall was installed!

Green Wall Specs

  • The wall includes about 1,000 assorted tropical plants of 10+ species that grow in custom mesh pockets
  • A "life support" system of controllers, sensors, and pumps irrigate, fertilize, and balance water quality
  • The ecosystem of the wall supports a healthy environment for a new addition of fish
  • Students can track live data from the wall via an app

Thank you to the staff and volunteers who helped us bring this project to fruition. Special thanks to the Class of 2019 families who made this project possible.

Coming soon: the Class of 2019 legacy project plaque will be installed nearby to honor the contributions of those families and students who helped make the renewal project possible.

November 08, 2022

Read Our Fall Newsletter & Annual Report 2022

Read our fall newsletter and annual report (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022). Thank you to our community who are such strong supporters of our school!

View the newsletter and annual report.