Thriving as a Diverse Community

We strive to exemplify a diverse community that is inclusive and equitable at all levels, is committed to developing cultural responsiveness, embraces different perspectives, and challenges biases and assumptions.

The work of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at Bertschi is multi-faceted and ongoing, and is essential to our mission. Bertschi recognizes that creating a community where every member feels affirmed and has a sense of belonging is a continuous process. The work is larger than periodic professional development, guest speakers, or summer reading; it requires accountability, vulnerability, intentionality, and meaningful self reflection. We believe this work is a rigorous yet rewarding journey that we must embark on side by side.

DEI & Affinity/Community Group Events


Families of Color Social Potluck
Saturday, May 18, 2024 · 4:30-6:30 PM

Join us for the inaugural People of Color in Independent Schools (POCIS) Families of Color Social Potluck at The Evergreen School on Saturday, May 18, from 4:30 to 6:30 PM.

This potluck gathering will bring together families of color across our respective schools, affording the opportunity to make new friends and build community. The event also features a remarkable guest speaker Simon Tam, author, musician, and activist! It promises to be an unforgettable experience.More information can be found here. Please contact Evergreen School's Director of Diversity and Engagement, Rajeswari Sachdeva, with any questions you might have.


Climate Action Families (CAF) Youth Climate Justice Intro Training
Saturday, May 18, 2024 · 9:30 AM-3:30 PM

In this positive and empowering one-day session, participants will dive into the essentials of effective advocacy for a just and sustainable future. Participants will explore the significance of youth activism through time, learn about six climate justice theories of change, the importance of teamwork, resilience, and the variety of ways to contribute to the movement. You can view more information here Climate Ambassador Training.

Pride in the Park

Pride in the Park
Saturday, June 1, 2024 · 11:30 AM-2:00 PM

Join Bertschi families at Pride in the Park! The LGBTQIA+ affinity group at Bertschi invites you to join us for a gathering before the Pride in the Park celebration in Volunteer Park on Saturday, June 1, from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM.

The Pride month festival includes food, music performances, storytime, and more. Bertschi families will meet near the Volunteer Park Amphitheater for light snacks at 11:30 AM. Look for our decorated tent!


Juneteenth Community Celebration
Saturday, June 15, 2024 · 11:00 AM-3:00 PM

Eton School and The Little School are honored to host the second annual Juneteenth Community Celebration designed to center, celebrate, and support Black voices and businesses. Free and open to the public, this event is on Saturday, June 15, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Crossroad Park in Bellevue. Enjoy live music and entertainment, vendors, food trucks, and more!

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, is an annual holiday celebrated on 19 June in the United States. The day commemorates the day in 1865 when Union Army General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, and announced that all enslaved people in Texas were free, two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

Explore the Work of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:

An intentional curriculum in each grade level promotes age and developmentally appropriate content to stimulate learning in the areas of identity, diversity, justice, and action. We believe that children thrive when they are given opportunities to see themselves reflected in the literature they read, the projects they create, and the problems they solve. Additionally, children increase their capacity for empathy and collaboration when they are offered a diversity of perspectives and ideas. This belief informs the curriculum across all content areas.

As equity-focused educators, we focus not just on exposing students to multiple perspectives but also raising students’ awareness of their role as change makers. Moving from compassion to action happens on the playground, in classroom projects, and in spontaneous teachable moments. Bertschi students learn that their voices matter and that their actions can make a difference.

Our board of trustees leads a DEI Committee to guide continued strategic work. In addition, our Director of DEI leads a parent group called the Committee on Inclusive and Responsive Community (CIRC) that regularly hosts events that educate, build community, and celebrate our diverse cultural backgrounds. The school also hosts affinity spaces for families to bring people together in their common experiences and in their differences.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work is one of three strategic pillars of our current strategic plan. All members of the Bertschi community are committed to ensure our commitments are achieved and move the work forward. Our DEI Director, in partnership with our DEI Committee, oversees capacity-building opportunities throughout each year. Our faculty/staff and families work with local and national experts on topics such as media literacy, gender diversity, multicultural education, cultural competency, culturally-responsive teaching, race and privilege, and anti-bias awareness. Bertschi also partners with the Hilltop Educator Discussion Series to engage in important conversations with local educators.

Bertschi School offers a full-time teaching associate job and up to $10,000 each year toward tuition for an aspiring Black educator enrolled in a University of Washington teaching certification program.

Learn more>>

Family Affinity Meetings (FAM)

FAM meets monthly led by volunteer parent volunteers. FAM also includes two subcommittees:

  • Community Building
  • Parent Education

If you are interested in joining FAM, please contact Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Amina Loftin.

Affinity & Community Groups

Affinity & community groups play an important role in building a more inclusive community by providing spaces to nurture positive identity development, empowerment, and belonging. Participants use these spaces to connect, discuss topics connected to their identities, plan cultural celebrations, share personal accomplishments, and support each other in addressing challenges their communities experience. We also host community groups that bring together families with similar support needs to help one another and share resources and ideas.

Learn more about affinity and community groups at Bertschi>>

Diwali Celebration 2023

Hannukah Celebration hosted by Jewish Families Affinity Group

Hispanic/Latinex Cultural Celebration 2023

Equity & Inclusion Virtual Speaker Series 2023-24

Bertschi School is a member of the People of Color in Independent Schools (POCIS), a consortium of NWAIS independent schools that exists to help people of color thrive in independent schools. POCIS hosts a virtual Equity and Inclusion Virtual Speaker Series that offers our communities and beyond the opportunity to connect, learn, and engage in topics about equity, inclusion, and antiracist education and action.

Learn more or RSVP to attend here>>

Rodriguez Prisca photo courtesy of the author

Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez
Storytelling as Resistance: Experience at Predominantly White Institutions and Generational Trauma

October 5, 2023 | 6:00-7:15 PM

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Dr. Bernice A. King
A Conversation with Dr. Bernice A. King

February 15, 2024 | 5:00-6:15 PM

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Dr. Megan Asaka, PhD
Beyond the Model Minority: Asian American Histories of Resistance and Renewal in the Pacific Northwest and Beyond

March 13, 2024 | 6:00-7:15 PM

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Ruha Benjamin
Race to the Future? Reimagining the Default Setting of Technology and Society

May 23, 2024 | 6:00-7:15 PM