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Learning Services

Bertschi supports students at multiple levels and facilitates collaboration between families, specialists, and classroom teachers.

We understand that each student has a unique constellation of strengths and challenges. Through individualized instruction, our goal is to create opportunities for all students to work to their full potential within the context of their classroom community. 

Meeting each student at their just right level is the responsibility of every educator at Bertschi. The learning services team works closely with teachers to help define each child’s just right level. They collaborate to provide lessons in math, word study, social skills, linguistics, philosophy, and other areas of emerging need or interest.

Who a child is today might not be who they are tomorrow.

The just right level allows for growth and gives students

permission to have areas that they are not good at yet."

Bertschi Teacher

Learning specialists and the director of learning services complete twice yearly reading screens. In grades K-2, learning specialists also work with small reading groups in coordination with classroom teachers. Groups are identified based on specific needs and are continually flexible as young readers’ skills develop.
For an extra fee, learning specialists work with students individually as needed to support areas of challenge. While many schools provide a list of tutors when extra support is needed, Bertschi’s faculty includes in-house skilled specialists to support children academically. Learning specialists work closely with classroom teachers to help students apply learning from their individual sessions to their work in the classroom community. They often collaborate on a daily basis to share strategies and to support academic growth.

School Counselor

Our school counselor supports teachers and families in meeting the needs of individual students, leads lunch bunches to help students develop social and friendship skills, provides instruction for classes related to areas of challenge, and more. 

Additional In-House Support

In addition, Bertschi contracts with a speech-language pathologist and occupational therapist, both available to work with students on campus during the school day.