Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Since our founding, we have committed to building a diverse community. The work of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at Bertschi is multi-faceted and ongoing, and is essential to our mission. Bertschi recognizes that creating a community where every member feels affirmed and has a sense of belonging is necessary and a continuous process.
We strive to exemplify a diverse community that is inclusive and equitable at all levels, is committed to developing cultural responsiveness, embraces different perspectives, and challenges biases and assumptions.
The work is larger than periodic professional development, guest speakers, or summer reading; it requires accountability, vulnerability, intentionality, and meaningful self reflection. We believe this work is rigorous yet rewarding and requires that all of us embark on this journey side by side.
Explore the Work of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Bertschi Family Affinity Meetings (Bertschi FAM)
Affinity & Community Groups
Affinity and community groups play an important role in building a more inclusive community by providing spaces to nurture positive identity development, empowerment, and belonging. Participants use these spaces to connect, discuss topics connected to their identities, plan cultural celebrations, share personal accomplishments, and support each other in addressing challenges their communities experience. We also host community groups that bring together families with similar support needs to help one another and share resources and ideas.
Current community members interested in joining an existing group or start a new group should contact Director of Community and Belonging Amina Loftin.
- Antiracist Parent/Caregiver Education Group
- Asian@Bertschi
- Black@Bertschi
- Christian Parent/Caregiver Group
- Hispanic/Latine
- Jewish Parent/Caregiver Group
- Families of Students With Dietary Restrictions
- Families of Neurodiverse Students
Antiracist Parent/Caregiver Education Group
Christian Parent/Caregiver Group
Jewish Parent/Caregiver Group
Families of Students With Dietary Restrictions
Families of Neurodiverse Students
POCIS Member
Bertschi School is a member of the People of Color in Independent Schools (POCIS), a consortium of independent schools that exists to help people of color thrive in independent schools. POCIS NW hosts a virtual Equity and Inclusion Speaker Series that offers our communities and beyond the opportunity to connect, learn, and engage in topics about equity, inclusion, and antiracist education and action.