Middle School Placement
At Bertschi School, we see the middle school placement process as a valuable learning experience for our students. By thoughtfully equipping them with the academic and social-emotional skills needed for a successful transition, we prepare them not only for their next school but for the many transitions they'll encounter throughout life.
Bertschi helps you do a "deep dive" on your child and share their strengths with middle schools. Talking about school choices with our coach and to getting feedback on the written pieces of the application was invaluable.
Bertschi Parent
How We Support Our Students & Families
Where Do Bertschi Graduates Matriculate?
Bertschi fifth graders matriculate to many different area middle schools, both independent and public. Each student is supported in the process of finding the right match for their next school.
Billings Middle School
The Bush School
Eastside Preparatory School
The Evergreen School
Lakeside School
Lake Washington Girls Middle School
The Northwest School
Seattle Public Schools
Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences
Seattle Country Day School
Seattle Girls’ School
University Prep
Villa Academy